Friday, August 29, 2008

August 29, 2008 - Impulsivity PAYS

Last Saturday came the big change: cut off lots of hair - a good 8" all around, then added layers, then a full-head-highlights twice over. It's a big change but I really like it.

The highlights cut down (way down) on the color difference between the old blond and the new gray. I'm getting lots of compliments on the cut alone, which I didn't expect since I never think I look quite human.

The NEW me.

Friday, August 22, 2008

August 22, 2008 - visit to the hairdresser

BTW: does anyone else love Stephen Colbert? He is an absolute riot!

On the way home yesterday, I stopped to see my hairdresser, Susan. As I tried to explain my decision to go gray, I became sloppily overwhelmed and teary. God perimenopause sucks. I wish the depression and sorrow would end with the chopping of the hair, but I know it won't.

Susan explained that while she could never match the gray, she could cut lots of the blond off and then heavily highlight with silver and see where that takes me. She is very understanding; "worse case scenario: you hate it. I dye it. No problem!"

So into the void...the chasm...the vast abyss...the final frontier I proceed. Headlong and screaming.

Monday, August 18, 2008

August 18, 2008 - 2nd thoughts??

Well, this past Friday I had 5 women of various ages (26-52) debating my hair for me. My good friend whom I have worked out with previously (and whom I had always thought was at least 10 years younger than I) admitted to me that she was 52! She said she'd go to her grave vain and dyed. I must admit, she looks great, but I think she also has nice southern Mediterranean genes in her pool.

As Scar admitted in The Lion King: "alas, I wallow at the shallow end of the gene pool". I think my gene pool was drained before I was conceived. Alas.

I write this at work and wish I could voice command a different screen to be active; my manager always walks over when I'm doing this important work. :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August 13, 2008 - Hairline Shots

I am feeling just somewhat better than I did the past few days. Peri-menopause blows.

By review of these photos, I still have quite the blond mane, with the exception of the 3/4" of silver throughout. If my head wasn't so poorly shaped, I'd definitely get a chic short cut ala Jamie Lee Curtis. My daughter reminds me, however, that "if you think you look fat now, just cut your hair and see what you think!" Unfortunately, I am forced to agree. Nothing would call more attention to my dozens of chins than a short haircut.

Monday, August 11, 2008

August 11, 2008 Christopher John Ferguson

Nation - "Tear me open; pull me out" (great lyrics from Until It Sleeps by Metallica)

Today is my brother's 46th birthday, however, he is not here to celebrate it. He died suddenly on July 1, 2007; I have not been the same since. My parents are long passed: 1981 and 1987. After a long period of not knowing where Christopher was or what he was doing, he reentered my life around 2002. He had become an alcoholic drinker and it just made me so angry to be around him when he was like that. (My mother and grandmother were both alcoholics; I do not drink at all). He'd make promises to come for Thanksgiving and Christmas; I'd prepare a great dinner and he'd never show up or call. I can't begin to remember all the time I spent crying.

He entered the hospital complaining of hernias in April 2007 and was diagnosed with a liver functioning at 20%; he stopped drinking for good. He spent a lot of time at my house doing work - he was a very talented electrician. He loved troubleshooting problematic wiring. He did a better job at rewiring my basement after the "flooding of NJ" in April 2007 than anyone we could have hired. I loved being able to hug him and have him hug me back without being intoxicated. Drinking or not, there was nothing I wouldn't have done for him - except save him.

He was 104 days sober when he passed away. With the help of Colleen, his girlfriend of 9 years, we planned a July 4th wake. Now you're probably thinking "why would you have a wake on a holiday?" Well, the friends that Christopher had weren't the type to go away on vacation. My concern was that I'd have a wake and no one would come. Imagine my shock when I had nearly 500 people show up. I heard so many wonderful things about my brother from people I never knew. We touch so many other lives with little things we do.

There are little things that keep Christopher fresh in my memory: first there are birds everywhere. My brother had their calls down-pat. When he'd whistle to them they'd whistle back. And then there's a delivery truck that passes my job every day (must be a regular run) at around lunchtime. It's got the name "Ferguson" on the side. It's the weirdest thing, that I never noticed the truck before July 2007 and now I see it almost like Christopher wants me to think about him. Almost like he wants to be around, the truck appears and whatever is on my mind doesn't seem so important.

How does this tie in with my graying gracefully? The graying of my hair, while traumatic in the immediate sense as I look in the mirror or store window, is not even worthy of a small microcosm of importance in the vast universe that is our world. I can hear his voice: "You think you got trouble? Jacqueline, I AM DEAD. How's your trouble now?" We share the same dark humor.

My thoughts aren't as flowing and cohesive as I hoped they'd be on today's blog; I think that's due to the debilitating depression I've been feeling lately. Whether it's due to general sadness about having a basically ineffectual life or being majorly perimenopausal has yet to be determined. I have decided to seek the advice of an endocrinologist for some blood work to examine my general condition.

Sometimes I feel like I could just die of a broken heart and spirit. All alone in a crowded room.

This is certainly NOT graying gracefully. Hope it feels different soon. (PS: I did not go to yoga or to the gym this weekend. I cannot believe how badly I am willing to treat myself. )

Thursday, August 7, 2008

August 7, 2008 - Indecision Flip-Flop

Just found out from a friend last night that my hairdresser should be able to do something with my current color to blend the old hair with the new gray roots, so as to ease my transition into senility. At least I might be able to see how I feel about the shock of all this realization.

I have a tendency to talk myself out of things - like going to exercise; I hope it doesn't happen with the gray hair. Even my cousin, who is 20 years older than I, stated "If you don't like it you can always dye it".

I hope I like it; I think I just have to get used to the idea that I am aging and no amount of hair dye is going to keep me looking like I'm 25-30. Damn it.

Feeling depressed today; looking forward to a nap after work. Maybe tomorrow for yoga.

By the way: just so anyone who may be reading knows this - the yoga I am currently exploring is Bikram (hatha postures held for 30-60 seconds in a room heated to 105 degrees.) Oh yeah babe.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

August 1, 2008 Decision To Go GRAY

Hi, my name is Jackie and I've made a decision: I will never color my hair again.

I'll be 50 at the end of this year, and I've started going through some mental, emotional, and physical crap lately: my love of working out has vanished (I've been known to bolt from the room just as the instructor is arriving); I snap at my husband and daughter for minor or petty things; I can hardly watch the news anymore (can we even call that network drivel news??) because the absolute evil and lack of compassion in this world makes me so sad.

On top of all this: the state of the economy has forced my husband's area of business to cut back on projects, so he's lucky to be working as most of his peers are out of work presently. With that fact always on my mind, along with keeping our daughter in college, and staying just one step ahead of the mortgage payments, there's not much money to go around. So I have decided to cut back and perform a little "un-spending": cancel the gym membership I've not used in 6 months, I've already gone through withdrawal from Starbucks, and now my bi-monthly coloring and highlights (at a cost of $194) will go the way of the dinosaur.

If I can figure out how to upload pictures of the process, I will do that.