Who cares about graying gracefully? I was musing about menopause; my feelings of self-loathing are at an all time high so I'm wallowing in schadenfreude: in German definition - pleasure from the misfortune of others. Let's start with Alaska governor Palin and her loss of control at home. On about election night - 3 months from now - her unwed, high-school attending, pregnant 17-year-old daughter will deliver to the vp-nominee her first (I think) grandchild. Oh how wonderful - she's keeping the baby. Guess there's nothing else to do in alaska for a high school kid except get laid without birth control. Oh but we believe in having our babies, especially if we can prove a right-to-life point.
I personally hope the baby comes before election day so the undecided populus can see that the republicans do not necessarily think the best-laid plans. One can only hope; I want a windmill in my yard so I can deny the power company at least some of my money.
Here's my photo today, courtesy of webcam. Looking extra fat, I can assure you it has something to do with the angle of the webcam and that I am not so close in appearance to Jabba the Hut, although the neck leaves much to be desired.
More self-loathing: I can hear my neighbors next door (at least their parents) waiting for the daughter to arrive with the twin sons she delivered 2 nights ago, but 1 month premature. When this couple was looking to buy the house next door, I was thrilled that a nice young couple was moving in to the neigborhood and there were babies on the way. Now I'm trying to finish this entry before she gets home so I don't have to mingle with another human being. I have nothing but ill-attitude to offer. Waves of depression, nauseating self-loathing, followed by the occasional hot flash (which aren't helped by sitting in the setting sun). My husband adds: "with bouts of vomiting and explosive diarrhea cha-cha-cha".
Wedded bliss.
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