My manager has sent me this email: "I’d like to request that you take over the scribing of our meeting minutes as well as setting the agenda and scheduling the meetings as we go forward. Please let me know if you are okay with this request or have any questions/concerns."
Translation: "Oh, you're gonna do it. Whether you enjoy it or not is your own affair."
Nation...I have spent the better part of the last 6 months setting up monthly reports to run systematically with the least amount of hands on from me. Save for a bit of tweaking, like column width changes or font/color adjustments; my reports run themselves. If I could get the opposing systems to email them out, I'd make that part of the process. So that is still me. But during the other 3-weeks of the month, believe me I am bogged! My employees LOVE to rearend other drivers, but they especially love backing into their own vehicles at their homes in their garages or driveways. They run over road debris, dogs, tire dregs and broken guardrails. I AM BUSY. I also set these same drivers up with training as required by the appearance of events on their driving records.
What I want to know is, what happened to the other person in our group who was performing this duty with extremely organized skills? Only response; "This will be a permanent change. "You can be just as organized as Cxxxxxx; I have faith in you." I wanted to write how 'faith is a dangerous thing', but did not. ASked to talk to her about it all today - I have no experience in doing this and I certainly do not want to do it. I barely can stay awake through the conference calls as it is.
Another issue plaguing me currently: I was about to ask for permission to resume going to lunchtime classes at the gym here, and if I'm late coming back - staying after to make it up. Have I addressed the gym issue here yet? I had been going 5 days a week, different class daily, in the best shape of my life, when in April 2008 she couldn't find me to do something ONCE on a Monday and by Wednesday of the same week basically had me written up for extended lunches and told me I couldn't spend more than 45 on a lunch break. "I don't want to infringe on your right to exercise, but I've got to keep the lunch time accurate" or something. I've been hearing from my little gym rats that MY MANAGER has been going to the same gym (usually between 1 and 2 PM after most of the general population has returned to work) for sessions with a Personal Trainer. She's been seen there twice a week for several weeks now. I know it's not her fault that I chose not to continue exercising after work or at home, but the convenience of using a company-sponsored membership ($2) whenever I want; I just really do think of this as an infringement. I don't know what to do about this now.
I'm trying to quit my chocolate coffee drink cold turkey. There is no way I'm going to make it. Today is day 1; I'm plowing through 2 cans per week AND I make it with milk (skim) but still; the drink size is 16oz, which always overfills the cup so there's extra milk, so extra mix, and I'm going through gallons of milk, while my husband and daughter can split their gallon of 1% for more than a week.
I buy organic milk (at like $1.50 more each gallon) but are the cows treated like family when they get milked or is it like a horrible electrosuck factory? I love my chocolate coffee, but when I think of Bossy's brown eyes (and horrible farm images the media insists burning onto my cerebral cortex...) I just don't know what to do about anything anymore.
I have asked the husband to take me to Scotland for the 25th W/A, which is in April 2011. I'd love the SIL and BIL to come, since they got me started on my Outlander series, but it helps that my father's family was from there originally. I've traced tham back as close to the highlands as Falkirk, so I've got to keep digging. At parades, I always run to the bagpipes instead of away from them, so it's gotta be in the blood.
Translation: "Oh, you're gonna do it. Whether you enjoy it or not is your own affair."
Nation...I have spent the better part of the last 6 months setting up monthly reports to run systematically with the least amount of hands on from me. Save for a bit of tweaking, like column width changes or font/color adjustments; my reports run themselves. If I could get the opposing systems to email them out, I'd make that part of the process. So that is still me. But during the other 3-weeks of the month, believe me I am bogged! My employees LOVE to rearend other drivers, but they especially love backing into their own vehicles at their homes in their garages or driveways. They run over road debris, dogs, tire dregs and broken guardrails. I AM BUSY. I also set these same drivers up with training as required by the appearance of events on their driving records.
What I want to know is, what happened to the other person in our group who was performing this duty with extremely organized skills? Only response; "This will be a permanent change. "You can be just as organized as Cxxxxxx; I have faith in you." I wanted to write how 'faith is a dangerous thing', but did not. ASked to talk to her about it all today - I have no experience in doing this and I certainly do not want to do it. I barely can stay awake through the conference calls as it is.
Another issue plaguing me currently: I was about to ask for permission to resume going to lunchtime classes at the gym here, and if I'm late coming back - staying after to make it up. Have I addressed the gym issue here yet? I had been going 5 days a week, different class daily, in the best shape of my life, when in April 2008 she couldn't find me to do something ONCE on a Monday and by Wednesday of the same week basically had me written up for extended lunches and told me I couldn't spend more than 45 on a lunch break. "I don't want to infringe on your right to exercise, but I've got to keep the lunch time accurate" or something. I've been hearing from my little gym rats that MY MANAGER has been going to the same gym (usually between 1 and 2 PM after most of the general population has returned to work) for sessions with a Personal Trainer. She's been seen there twice a week for several weeks now. I know it's not her fault that I chose not to continue exercising after work or at home, but the convenience of using a company-sponsored membership ($2) whenever I want; I just really do think of this as an infringement. I don't know what to do about this now.

I buy organic milk (at like $1.50 more each gallon) but are the cows treated like family when they get milked or is it like a horrible electrosuck factory? I love my chocolate coffee, but when I think of Bossy's brown eyes (and horrible farm images the media insists burning onto my cerebral cortex...) I just don't know what to do about anything anymore.

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