Nation - I absolutely cannot believe it has been 6 months since my last post. Quick recap: in Oct 2010, my work group had a Team Meeting in Providence RI. On the way up with my colleague, we stopped in Warwick, RI so I could have my first full Thai Massage performed by an equisitely talented woman, Laura Luitje. I'm sure I have mentioned back in Sep 2008 how I hurt my elbow and since then have been acutely aware of every single motion when using it. I tried physical therapy, resting, exercising, rubbing, soaking - no relief of any symptoms. I couldn't even tell you what Laura did during my session, but as I was leaving, she casually said "let me know if you get any relief in the elbow." I really didn't think about it again until the Sat before T'giving 2010 when I had a massage with another Thai practitioner in NYC. While this woman Ananda Apfelbaum (who, in addition to being Laura's teacher, has also written a book on Thai massage) was moving my left arm over my head, I was getting the right arm more comfortable on the floor. I realized at that moment that my right elbow didn't hurt anymore!
Pain is a strange thing, especially in a hinge joint; when it hurts you're so aware of it, BUT when it doesn't you can go through your day using it, not even thinking about the fact you even have an elbow or knee or whatever. Which is I believe how the human body is meant to move; you don't think about the mechanics, you just move.
I finally wrote to Laura this past weekend and told her about my 'sudden' miraculous pain free existence. I am in awe of her; she is a gifted saint. that was Oct/Nov 2010. Of course we were at the compound for Thanksgiving; I dragged my SIL to see Harry Potter Deathly Hallows (Pt1). She had never seen any of the previous 6 movies so I missed alot in explaining stuff to her. 
We also went shopping up in Portsmouth on 'Black Friday', and we saw the very first snow of the season in the form of a squall! I cannot imagine facing one of these out at sea.
Other than my annual decorating of the Corporate Christmas
It started snowing on Dec 27th and we had a blizzard every week for 5 weeks! It was amazing!
Spring has just begun here in the northeast, but the first crocuses were covered with another blast of snow yesterday, but only about an inch or two. Like a last gasp or something.
Being spring with its meaning of new life, new chances, I have made a decision to ask for a rather large increase to my base salary - in order to remain at similar market levels to counterparts in my position: $17K. Of course, will advise on how that goes. Am I nervous...well, I'm 52 years old and have never EVER asked for a raise in my entire working life - 35 years! Always willing to take what's offered, not rocking the boat, etc. This time, I figure, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
BTW - here's the hair as of Dec 1 2010:
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