Thursday, April 15, 2010

Drivers License Victory and a New Yoga Vision

Nation...on March 26, 2010 the husband was given a drivers license! It's the first time he has held a legal license in all the time I've known him, which is now bordering 28 years. Now he just needs some work so he can drive to a job.

This weekend, I will attend a 3-day immersion in 'Core Strength Vinyasa' Yoga - a practice started by Sadie Nardini in NYC. I've been a member of her online blog, and the practice centers around not only core movements (not just in yoga), but also anatomy and how to determine when a push can be too much. I am very concerned about positioning and alignment as I am paranoid about hurting more than I already do. Between my toes, heels and knees; I barely have a leg to stand on!! HA-HA!!

Oh well, very nervous about this yoga weekend - I've already taken Monday as a vacation day in preparation for the pain.

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