Thursday, August 7, 2008

August 7, 2008 - Indecision Flip-Flop

Just found out from a friend last night that my hairdresser should be able to do something with my current color to blend the old hair with the new gray roots, so as to ease my transition into senility. At least I might be able to see how I feel about the shock of all this realization.

I have a tendency to talk myself out of things - like going to exercise; I hope it doesn't happen with the gray hair. Even my cousin, who is 20 years older than I, stated "If you don't like it you can always dye it".

I hope I like it; I think I just have to get used to the idea that I am aging and no amount of hair dye is going to keep me looking like I'm 25-30. Damn it.

Feeling depressed today; looking forward to a nap after work. Maybe tomorrow for yoga.

By the way: just so anyone who may be reading knows this - the yoga I am currently exploring is Bikram (hatha postures held for 30-60 seconds in a room heated to 105 degrees.) Oh yeah babe.

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