Friday, October 17, 2008

Nighttime, Friday, October 17, 2008 - UPDATE

Nation: who among us is satisfied with the level of their medical care? I thought I was well on my way to having some of more problematic physical issues rectified, and this feeling culminated when I had a visit to my primary physician 2 weeks ago. As you recall, my gyno determined that my TSH levels were high and sent me off to the primary. He prescribed thyroid meds and took more blood. I specifically stated "I want a hormone panel in this bloodwork; I need to know my estrogen and progesterin levels because perimenopause is making me insane."

I called their office today because tey never called me. He called me back tonight and told me the thyroid levels were good, and stop taking the medicine. I said, "why did you do a second thyroid panel as I just gave you the results from the week before?" He said "I was looking for antibodies indicative of thyroid inflammatory (something something)." I was really ticked at that.

So I then asked "what are my hormone levels because this menopause is making me crazy." He is quiet for a moment and then says, "Oh, I didn't order a hormone panel. I'm sorry". NOW I'M PISSED. "I specifically asked for the hormone panel so I could judge my level at perimenopause." All he could say was he was sorry, to come back in and they'd do the hormone panel.

People - who wants to take another friggin day (sick, vacation or otherwise) to get another doctor's appointment for something I expected was already done???

I'm ready for a new doctor. I really hate this guy.

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