Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008 - new gyno

ok Nation...tomorrow I see a new gyno. My last one appeared to be playing dress-up doctor, and by that I mean she looked younger than my own daughter who will be 22 next Monday. In the words of American philosopher Jerry Garcia: what a long, strange trip it's been.

The new one - by all accounts - is older than I, which is exactly what I want. Someone who may have some tried and true methods for relieving some of my perimenopausal symptoms without going the route of artificial hormones. I'm just too scared for that.

Much to my dismay, I have calculated on the scale that since my wonderful 20th anniversary trip in April 2006 I have gained 45 pounds! I only stopped working out in April of this year, but it seems that whatever I eat, the calories seem to triple. I am not eating any differently, so I think that 45 pounds is an awful lot of weight to accumulate in 2 years, even using the adage of "all old people's metabolisms slow down". I anticipate getting bloodwork done, as I hope that it will read other than "within normal range". I want something found that can be fixed. Not like I want it to be bad or a death sentence, but a piece of information with which I can work.

Hair news! I have decided to cut yet again. I cannot stand the length or shape of this hair as I look like a dick (a penis, if you prefer), with the part in my hair appearing like the opening on the head.

My sinuses are killing me and I have to go. Must speak with the hairdresser again and see when she can clip me.

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