Monday, September 22, 2008

Responses to some of your comments

Nation - some of you have commented! I get so excited when I see a little number 1 or 2!

In response to:
the Austin Public Library: I posted a comment on my entry as to where I found the list of books that Palin allegedly tried to have banned. I have since learned that the list may have circulated for quite a while and the books she wanted to ban are included in the list, but may number less than this list. The outcome was the same, however; the librarian refused, her job was threatened, but public outcry won over and the librarian kept her job.

Liz Feuerbach: thanks very much for reading the ramblings of an old lady. As to being there when Propagrampa opens the mail, I am heading to the "family compound" this weekend and hope the start of democratic mailings have commenced. Believe me, he'll hold an angry face. Some background on Propagrampa: He never planted grass seed over a burn spot on his lawn after Uncle John left the Edsel running in the driveway in 1938 and the exhaust killed the grass. He wanted John to know he remembered the incident. To anyone asking about the unplanted area, he would tell the story. Talk about holding a grudge!

Scarlett: thanks for being my faithful reader and supporter! :)

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